Challenge Day 18

Let’s Get LIIT

For the past few days, we’ve tried to inspire you to get moving – and today is no exception. However, if you’re at high risk for cardiovascular disease or out of practice when it comes to working out, you might want to dial back the intensity just a bit.

One way you can get moving but not push yourself too hard is with low-intensity interval training (LIIT) like walking, yoga, riding a bike and swimming.

But while the word “low” is in the name, don’t let that fool you – it’s still a form of cardiovascular exercise with the following benefits:

  • LIIT exercises aim to keep your heart rate within 50 to 65% of your maximum heart rate. In comparison, high-intensity training is close to 80 to 90% of your max heart rate.
  • The Annals of Internal Medicine reported that low-intensity workouts decrease waist circumference as effectively as high-intensity exercise.
  • Cardiovascular exercise improves circulation, lowers blood pressure and decreases heart rate.

Low-intensity interval training can make you feel more energetic, and because it is low-intensity, you’re less likely to hurt yourself or put too much pressure on your joints.

So, go low…Now, let’s get LIIT!

Today’s Challenge

Spend 15 minutes performing a low-impact activity today, such as yoga or riding a bike. Next week, aim for 20 minutes. Keep building your time until your sessions are 30 minutes long. And tomorrow, we’ll show you how to add muscle-strengthening exercises into the mix.